Watch this blog for a new announcement on a new website coming soon. I am relaunching a site I had in the 1990's, the Schmucks' Forest, a virtual tree planting site for all the fools/schmucks in the world. It will be a place to plant a tree in the name of a person or entity that is beyond the realm of usual dorks.
Why? Because the time is right to release stress and negative emotions in a clandestine manner (no one will know you planted the tree except for you). You will feel better and have a great laugh....I can hardly wait so I want to nominate some fools/schmucks now. These are MY OPINION as to whom I believe deserve trees:
Heidi Montague: why do we have to hear her name or hear her ridiculous escapades anymore?
The Supreme Court (I know I go for the big guns) for their ridiculous ruling that will allow elections to be bought by those with money.
Tiger Woods: if you have to ask why, perhaps you should consider a tree of your own.
John Edwards: ditto to the above
So many fools; so little time. I feel better already. Got a nominee? More to come....
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago