I have been silent for awhile. Still searching for that great job. Still sick of partisan politics and those who put their own interests above the interests of the citizens of the US. sorry to see Project Runway end and Top Chef soon to end. No distractions from the reality of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Finishing the reduced COBRA payments; thanks President Obama for 9 months of affordable health care coverage.
Yesterday, the Senate voted on moving the Senate's version of the Health Care reform act to discussion and hopefully, a final vote. While its not perfect, it does contain a public option, albeit with an opt out. Who in their right minds would opt out of providing affordable health care to every human being in the U.S.? But then, who in their right minds would vote no to bring this health reform to the front of Congress for discussion and compromise and vote? Guess who? EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTED NO.
I can't say what I think of them here but think of an anatomical part you sit upon and that comes fairly close. I pray that all these self serving, money grubbing, PAC influenced senators get voted out in their next terms. They will do anything and everything to opose the President; even if its in the best interests of the citizens of the US. A conspiracy of sorts? Hello? Of course it is.
Almost all countries have some form of health care coverage. Not the US and our health care ranks very low in the world. A world leader? I think not. I was amused by a post by a woman opposed to health care reform who touted that we don't need this because her hospital never refuses treatment to anyone who comes in. HAHA! Clueless. Does she understand that the hospital loses a fortune on this care? does she not understand that ALL of us already pay for this in taxes. And doe she not understand that these people wait till they are really sick because they can't go to doctors to prevent illness? No she obviously is drinking the same KoolAid those republican senators are (I am not capitalizing those words on purpose).
Do you know the Congress has health care coverage you and I would die for (pun intended) and we pay for it. I wish I could introduce a bill into the senate that strips health care coverage from the "benefits" of those people.
Here is the full list of who voted: http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=111&session=1&vote=00353
Though I could say more, sometimes less is better. Let's get those naysayers out of Congress! Whew, feel much better now. More to come...
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago