Ah, much ado about nothing or something, depending on your perspective. Example: the Yankees won the World Series, congrats but most of the news on the Internet is about the recent 2 state governor's loss to Republicans and the so-called impact on Obama and pending legislation. BS! Local politics is local not national yet the media seem constantly to be searching for garbage to promote...negativism, who needs this? not me.
When Hillary Clinton was running against Barack Obama for President during primaries and Md Governor O'Malley endorsed her, that was the kiss of death for her in MD. Marylanders are not enthralled with Governor O'Malley, and I believe if the former Republican Governor, Bob Ehrlich were to run against O'Malley today, Ehrlich would win. Does his mean we don't endorse health care reform? No, in fact MD Is ahead of the game with low cost and free health care in state and certain counties. Does this mean, people in MD hate Obama? Not. Yet on most of TV Talk and media outlets the pontification of the impact of 2 Republicans taking over formerly Democratic Governorships is the talk. And it occurred on the anniversary of Obama's election. Spare me. Local is local. Period end.
Obama took over with a lot of issues. He started working before he became President. Is it perfect? No. Do I think he is doing a good job? Yes. Look at him. He is grayer and skinnier than before. He has a lot on his plate. Do I wish he would be more emphatic in his pushing on health care reform and public option? you bet. But given what predeeded him, I think Obama is doing very well. The media picks on everything. And the ponitificating is getting so intense that I only watch the Today Show and no news on TV. I get the news from the Internet and read several different articles to try and get one non-biased, factual story.
Thank goodness for reality shows that are non taxing, non ponticating, non life/death (though I cannot figure out why Top Chef had the reunion show in the middle of their hotly contested series). The good news is Project Runway is on tonight. Life is good.
But I can't close without my asking you to call your congress representative to make your voice heard on health care refom and your senators. Tell them you want this vote before the end of this year. Senator Reid now says vote won't occur before 2010. Not acceptable...45000 more people will die from no health insurance...a fact. And our Congress seems to always make more of something; make things more complicated than they have to be....when Medicare came into being, it took only 10 months not 3 years as Congress is proposing for health care reform. Can you live with this? I cannot. So here is the number once again to call either the House or Senate: 202 225-3121
Health care is a freedom and liberty. We don't have to make it complicated. If every other country can provide BETTER health care to all their citizens at no or low cost, certainly we, the USA can do it. But then, that might just leave some politicians not getting millions of dollars to decide on how to vote. BS. Just do it.
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
I agree with all that you say...but it is not news to say that most of us agree with what Obama is doing for health care...not exciting news.
ReplyDeleteAs always, agree and agree. Made my call - turning into a regular ritual. Pretty soon they will say "Why Hello! The Usual?" And I will still be saying yes - public option people!