I have been silent for awhile. Helping my daughter and her family move and recognizing that my body is way older then I thought it was and I work out! I have muscles hurting that I did not know I had. And they moved during the first snow in Maryland. Nice.
Coupled with the snow was the absolute unbelievable poor customer service of 2 companies who, in my opinion, represent companies who feel they are doing well enough not to have to care about customers. This represents my opinion, but Verizon is number one on my list of incompetent, stupid, and disdainful businesses in today's world. My daughter's family has NO phone or wireless connections because VERIZON, even though they confirmed that everything would be done the Friday before the move since they don't do new connections on weekends (must be nice), have neither. And when Verizon was called, they did NOTHING to correct the situation. It's a good thing my family all have cell phones (and not thru Verizon). Additionally, since Verizon did not have FIOS available in the area, direct TV was to be the provider of television services.
All of this was arranged well in advance of the move. Email confirmations were received. NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. Nothing. And my daughter and her husband have spent hours on the phone with each and they frankly don't care and have done nothing to rectify situation saying they could come out in a week or so.
So they called Comcast and whoever does come out and install first, wins. Frankly, I would like to ask VERIZON: don't care about customers? Well, maybe its time, customers or potential customers leave you. I did. In my opinion, the best thing about Verizon, is that it made Comcast more customer friendly.
Amanda Knox: I have been following this Italian trial. What it showed me is no matter how imperfect the US court system is, it is enormously better then the Italian System. I can't even imagine what Amanda's family is going thru, not to mention what they are spending on this. What would you do? In my opinion, Amanda should have been acquitted. It really was a verdict against the US as Italian American relations are not great.
Tiger Woods: really a personal matter but very disappointing as this clean cut role model turns out to be a slime bucket. I actually would watch golf if Tiger was playing. I don't think I will ever be able to look at him with any respect at all. I don't care what he does on the golf course; he is a cheater, liar, plain and simple.
Congress: Several senators are urging Senator Reid to move Medicare under the auspices of Congress. What? Congress can't agree on what bathroom to use much less how health care should be governed. We are the only major country without health care for all. And now THEY want to manage Medicare. Spare me. They are not health care professionals and are frankly clueless in this realm. Instead, I would like to see ALL of them gone.
The GOOD? hmmmm...Amazing Race was great. Top Chef is coming to a close, sadly. About 6 more weeks till American Idol starts. And, I have great friends and family. Yep, that's the best!
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
I can’t wait to see this week's top chef! I am sure your daughter has favorite shows as well. I work for Comcast and I would love to help in making sure that the service is installed successfully ASAP for her.
ReplyDeleteYou can have your daughter contact me at the email below.
Mark Casem
Comcast Customer Connect
National Customer Operations
Mark, thanks but since the post, Verizon miraculosly showed up to do the phone, and DTV was right behind them...still threatening people and doing a blog are not the right way to deal with businesses.