Thursday, July 30, 2009

Old is the New Young, truly, The Book

I have never liked to be defined by a number. My age is only a number; so is yours. It has amazed me, as I have grown, that most of the population under 60 or even 55, are amazed when someone "of that age" seem competent, much less amazingly capable. Give me a break!

Tom Watson was turning 60 and all the commentators on TV and in print were amazed he almost won the British Open (came in second). They probably think it was amazing he could still walk and talk at the same time. But their day will come, if they are lucky.

It's a new world; people live longer, healthier, more active lives and have learned that life is living; it is NOT ABOUT A NUMBER. Ageism is alive and well here in the good "old" USA (pun intended).

The great Satchel Paige once asked:"How old would you be if you didn't know your age?" And that my friends, is the basis and start of an amazing book now out at book stores and online at Amazon, Old is the New Young, Erickson's Secrets to Healthy Living. This is NOT your typical self help book. Nor does it just tell you how to eat, though that is included. No, this book that took 4 professionals to research, compile and write in easy to read format, talks honestly about how anyone (though it is geared to the over 50 crowd) but how ANYONE can keep what they have; get back what you've lost; and tap into your "natural resiliency by compensating when necessary". It takes on the physical, mental, emotional and financial aspects of longevity and adding life to years.

If you expect to find the secret to living longer; if you want to get rid of wrinkles; don't read the book. If you want to live your best life every day of your life, read it and keep it, refer to it often. How do I know all this? I was fortunate to be a facilitator to get this book done. I am a believer. I know it is based on human beings who practice what they preach and who care and provide a lifestyle that is uncompromised in its approach to living life the best way possible.

Throughout the book are vignettes of REAL people who are examples of living life to its fullest. This is the book that needs to be on Oprah's book club; not fiction but fact. There are also assessment tests you can take alone, in the privacy of your home, for your own reality check. You are not stupid and this book is NOT condescending in its approach. It's real. The choice to follow the secrets is yours to make.

An eloquent forward by Horace Deets, the former head of AARP, starts off the fact filled, conversational, sometimes humorous book filled with information that will make you want to keep it close by as a referral and stock pile of information.

The authors? Matt Narrett, a Harvard AND Yale MD with over 20 years of experience; he actually practiced medicine not taught it though he teaches daily in his every day actions; Mark Erickson, a dynamic advocate for aging successfully and a MBA grad of the Wharton School; Jacquelyn Kung, with a PhD and experience in aging that belies youth; and lastly, Lisa Davila, a former nurse and Master's Degree Communications writer whose prose will not disappoint your reading time.

Trivial Pursuit: Facts from the book that may amaze you: 1 0f 5 people will be over 65 by2030, a mere 20+ years away. "Small changes lead to big improvements": means, you don't have to exert a large amount of effort to live better. Who knew? The authors did. And you will too once you read the book. My favorite is that the body is very forgiving: you can stop smoking and the body will respond immediately; you can eat better, and the body will respond and change almost immediately in terms of blood pressure and more.

In the back of the book is a list of resources that will astound you and be very helpful. I have read the book. I keep it close by. I am making change. I am living my best life ever. So will you.

Available online at OLD IS THE NEW YOUNG....remember, living life is not based on a number; it is based on you!

more to come....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

An Amazing Calm

I don't know what's happened to me but I kind of like it. No job, too much competition, too many people out of work. But I seem to be going with the flow, finally.

I have let go of the past with my former company. I wish them well. They had yet another devastating layoff 2 weeks ago. Many more of my former colleagues are gone. I understand what they will go through,and have been emailing them to offer support because I have so much support from former colleagues, family and friends. But the company and their issues are no longer on the top of my list. Instead, I am taking what happened and trying to make something positive from it.

I worked for 5 days at a temporary job and reported it as one is required to do to unemployment. I got cut off but am allowed to re-apply which I did. And, it did not freak me out. Who knew?

Cobra costs suck but no alternative so am directing my energy to pushing for health care reform. It is needed and am sick and tired of media and political pontification on this. If you did not have health care coverage, what would you do?

Today I finally finish cleaning out and removing junk from my mother's apartment as she is in an assisted living complex now. It was hard to do but it was her choice and she is doing well.

The cleansing is more then my mom's apartment.I am getting rid of lots of stuff at home also. It feels great. I keep busy. Life is good mainly because of children, grand kids and friends. Onward and upward.....more to come.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Musings of a Mad Woman: Health Care, Republicans, Media

I am a cut to the chase person. Forget the BS and get to the bottom line. As I grow older, the ability to listen to pontificators, people who enjoy listening to their own voice, is gone. I cannot tolerate hypocrites either. I also absolutely have no use for those who use other people to embellish or push their own ambitions. This listing is a disclaimer to those who choose to read this blog for what's to come.

Media and Health care reform: Obviously, to me at least, the media must be struggling for readers/viewers because they have pumped up the pontifications, the polls, the exclusives, and more to demonstrate only this anchor, this station, this whatever, knows anything and everything about health care, politics, the president, and anything else that hits the news.

Example: Larry King and Michael Jackson. Larry's show has been declining in viewers even though Larry was a pretty respected interviewer, though on the soft side. Michael Jackson dies; Larry King's show is alive and well and up in ratings. Why? because he has someone or something about MJ almost every night since MJ died. What does this have to do with healthcare?

Simple: this is the prime example of leeching media who grasp at anything to get their names in the news and in ratings. And it translates to the mainstream news. Remember Rush Bimbo? and how he stated and was widely reported in every media outlet that he hoped Obama failed? Got attention didn't it? Worse, it reflects our political arena well.

I believe that is why the Republicans are stalling on the Supreme Court nomination and now health care reform. Plus it gets their names on the news. And the media are already grasping at the fact that they believe this could be the downfall of the Obama Presidency. Really? Excuse me but Obama has worked harder in his 6 months than any of the prior presidents did. Remember please, these so called elected officials and media types make money, have jobs, and even more have healthcare coverage paid for by their companies and by us for our Congressional reps that most of us would love to have. Maybe we should strip Congress, especially Republicans, of their health coverage and see then how quickly they would vote on health care.

I don't know about you but I don't want my views analyzed by people who, in my opinion, have no clue about the realities of life. You want reality, let me tell you about reality:

Medicare: It's not free. Med A and B is needed by most people because A is for hospital coverage, B is for doctor coverage: the cost of each is over $98 and it covers 80%. You are then responsible for the 20%. No prescription coverage unless you buy Part D: average cost $57/month and it only covers to $2500 then you go into the hole, that deep hole that requires you pay full price for meds until you reach another $2500 then it picks up again but in the new year, this all starts over again. In order to get coverage for the 20% not covered by Medicare, you need a supplement or a med advantage plan: cost is anywhere from$ 150-200 per month. Do the math. If you are on a fixed income, this takes up almost $500 per month. Nice huh. Does not affect our Congressional reps whose health coverage you and I pay for. And, in my mind, its age discrimination. But that is a story for another time and place. The problem with Medicare, in my opinion, is that it is staffed by people who have never practiced health care or been in real life situations; get rid of them

Medical Assistance is coverage for people who have little or no income. You and I pay for it. And whether they admit it or not, most doctors and hospitals treat these people like scum.

Some 50 million people have no coverage. But it still costs us when they go to hospitals and they go because they aren't able to go to doctors so they get sick and sicker. We pay for those costs also.

Excuse me but wouldn't it be better to roll all of this into one health plan that would share risk over some 100 million people? Got money? Buy what you want in health insurance. no money? you are still a human being who brings value to this earth. You deserve to get health care.

Obama took this on because good health care coverage means LESS cost. Do the math. It's simple. Even the American Med Assoc. and American Nurse Assoc get it.

I have a great idea. Take all the Republicans who are stalling to get health care reform done, and take away their health care coverage. Let them pay out of pocket. Betcha they would pass health care reform then.

I haven't even dealt with COBRA that affects 10% of the population now without jobs or benefits.

I urge you to contact your media outlets and your Congressional reps and push healthcare coverage NOW. Stop the BS! Let's get it done.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm Back: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness Again

Last week a friend got me a stint overseeing clinical nursing practice among nursing assistant students. They were great. I felt good about the crop of people going into health care. What I learned is that I do NOT want to stand on my feet for 8 hours a day for 5 straight days ever again for any job. The old legs held up but the fatigue that set in at end of the week was cumulative and over bearing. The good news is I have eliminated the type of job I want.

Last week, my former company cut more people, more layoffs of good people who did nothing wrong who are joining me out of a job. I guess what gets to me is why some of this is done over the phone as it was tried with me but I insisted on coming in. This is devastating news to anyone. It needs to be face to face; respect is important to all human beings even in difficult times. I feel badly for my former co workers. I know what they will face: the grieving, the anger, questioning themselves and others. I still have difficulty facing this. The good news is we have a group of really wonderful former colleagues who formed both an online and offline community to help each other survive, and we will do just that.

Walter Cronkite died. I grew up watching him. An honorable man; lived a long life and was actually on RLTV a couple years ago doing commentary in his 90's. His death brought to the forefront how we miss honorable, trusted, factual, no pontificating news anchors. But that's the way it is.................

The good news: Top Chef Masters is a great program that is coming to an end soon. Do you watch it? Love it and can't wait for Top Chef and Project Runway to return. Yes, reality shows, at least some of them, provide a great diversion with little thinking.

My plan: if no job by Sept. 1st, am taking a course to change my focus and get a new job in new area; not as much "fun" but pays good and has good benefits. Cobra finally kicked in and the shock of the monthly payments is killing me. But at least I have a plan. Right?

And lastly, the most awful news: Paula Abdul not returning to American Idol? What will we do? Who will we discuss? I actually like Paula; just wish she would keep her mouth shut sometimes but then, some people say that about me also.

More to come..............

Friday, July 10, 2009

Healthcare Reform NOW, Make some noise

Please read Ronni Bennett's post on healthcare reform today, Friday, July 10th at

Time for change? Yes it is time for change. Isn't that what we voted for? If you believe in change, read the blog, contact your congressional leaders. Make your voice heard.

No need to rehash what was said so eloquently. Read the blog. Do it now!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

This is yet another is a long list of my blog rambles....I love to ramble.

The GOOD: Had a great weekend with my grand-daughter Cassidy. Here she is next to the fake butler I have had for years. She loves this thing and calls it man. She has to go to it constantly to touch him and kiss him.
More good: I have great friends. One of my longtime friends, Jan, got me a temporary job for 5 days doing some clinical supervision of Geriatric Nursing Assistant students. Listen, 5 days of work is better then none. And I am so looking forward to this. And I will need the money as I expect a COBRA bill any day. I have not yet been told if I am eligible for the Recovery Act Cobra relief which would only charge me one third of the payment. So I am expecting the worst. This work will definitely help.
The good: Had a job interview with a local hospital. No matter what happens, I met the most wonderful people and thoroughly enjoyed my interview. Nice to meet people who care about what they do.
The Bad: the media reporting on Micheal Jackson's death and life is overwhelming. The focus is always on the what ifs, and pontificating cause of death, financial woes, child custody, rehashing the past. Let it go and just celebrate the life, the good, the music and frankly his donation of millions of dollars to charities.
The Ugly: even after the incredible memorial, the headlines on today's news is about the custody of the children. Doesn't anyone care about these kids? Leave them ALONE. The daughter of MJ spoke at the end of the memorial. She alone made it human, made it real. The simplicity and sadness of a child's loss was overwhelming and pure innocence.
The constant bringing up of the child molestation trial. MJ was acquitted. I try not to judge people though sometimes I slip up. I believe MJ was asexual and while others call his behavior strange, I believe the man never had a childhood and lived to be a child. But who knows....maybe the Shadow knows. If you don't get this statement, you are entirely too young to read this.
At any rate, MJ life is over. He leaves 3 children. This man was their father. LEAVE IT ALONE. Be considerate of the children.
Going to my Mom's with my brother today to finish cleaning out her apartment. She is in a great assisted living facility and doing very well. This is good. Always good to finish on something positive.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Inspired by a former colleague

One of my former colleagues has also started a blog that I just found out about. It's really good and it has inspired me to do a better job of this blog.

Her site is very helpful, especially to those of us searching for a new tomorrow. The blog is at Go there and say hi.

Happy July 4th, independence day. Great meaning, great time to be with family and friends. I am awaiting my almost 3 month old grand daughter who will spend a couple hours with me today and tomorrow, my 15 month grand daughter will spend the night with me. It's spoil time. YEAH!

I am getting out the toys and may stop to get a few can never have enough toys.

Very grey out today; more showers. But its all good. Celebrate life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness this weekend and stay safe.