The GOOD: Had a great weekend with my grand-daughter Cassidy. Here she is next to the fake butler I have had for years. She loves this thing and calls it man. She has to go to it constantly to touch him and kiss him.
More good: I have great friends. One of my longtime friends, Jan, got me a temporary job for 5 days doing some clinical supervision of Geriatric Nursing Assistant students. Listen, 5 days of work is better then none. And I am so looking forward to this. And I will need the money as I expect a COBRA bill any day. I have not yet been told if I am eligible for the Recovery Act Cobra relief which would only charge me one third of the payment. So I am expecting the worst. This work will definitely help.
The good: Had a job interview with a local hospital. No matter what happens, I met the most wonderful people and thoroughly enjoyed my interview. Nice to meet people who care about what they do.
The Bad: the media reporting on Micheal Jackson's death and life is overwhelming. The focus is always on the what ifs, and pontificating cause of death, financial woes, child custody, rehashing the past. Let it go and just celebrate the life, the good, the music and frankly his donation of millions of dollars to charities.
The Ugly: even after the incredible memorial, the headlines on today's news is about the custody of the children. Doesn't anyone care about these kids? Leave them ALONE. The daughter of MJ spoke at the end of the memorial. She alone made it human, made it real. The simplicity and sadness of a child's loss was overwhelming and pure innocence.
The constant bringing up of the child molestation trial. MJ was acquitted. I try not to judge people though sometimes I slip up. I believe MJ was asexual and while others call his behavior strange, I believe the man never had a childhood and lived to be a child. But who knows....maybe the Shadow knows. If you don't get this statement, you are entirely too young to read this.
At any rate, MJ life is over. He leaves 3 children. This man was their father. LEAVE IT ALONE. Be considerate of the children.
Going to my Mom's with my brother today to finish cleaning out her apartment. She is in a great assisted living facility and doing very well. This is good. Always good to finish on something positive.
I love your butler! He makes me smile. And the thought of kissing him is pretty funny too! One ramble from me: Poor MJ, he protected his privacy so well. Now he's gone and the media are digging around and exposing every little detail. That's sad.