I don't know what's happened to me but I kind of like it. No job, too much competition, too many people out of work. But I seem to be going with the flow, finally.
I have let go of the past with my former company. I wish them well. They had yet another devastating layoff 2 weeks ago. Many more of my former colleagues are gone. I understand what they will go through,and have been emailing them to offer support because I have so much support from former colleagues, family and friends. But the company and their issues are no longer on the top of my list. Instead, I am taking what happened and trying to make something positive from it.
I worked for 5 days at a temporary job and reported it as one is required to do to unemployment. I got cut off but am allowed to re-apply which I did. And, it did not freak me out. Who knew?
Cobra costs suck but no alternative so am directing my energy to pushing for health care reform. It is needed and am sick and tired of media and political pontification on this. If you did not have health care coverage, what would you do?
Today I finally finish cleaning out and removing junk from my mother's apartment as she is in an assisted living complex now. It was hard to do but it was her choice and she is doing well.
The cleansing is more then my mom's apartment.I am getting rid of lots of stuff at home also. It feels great. I keep busy. Life is good mainly because of children, grand kids and friends. Onward and upward.....more to come.
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
So, it appears that this challenge is making you stronger and more thoughtful. That is a good thing.