Tonight is a night for relaxing and enjoying shows. Relaxing and getting away from the right wing lies on healthcare reform is just what I need. Top Chef Masters ends...(will miss it) but Top Chef begins!. And tomorrow night is Project Runway. HURRAY! And it's a double dose. First show is bringing back favorite designers who did not win to give them a second chance. 2nd show is the start of the new season....another Hurray!
Tomorrow, many bloggers, me included will post blogs on health care reform: what's real and what's not. The movement was started by Ronni Bennett of Time Goes By. Here is the link to that post:
Health care is personal. Almost 50 million Americans have no health insurance or are under insured. In this economy, anyone is at risk to be without health coverage. You included. Ask yourself what would you do? How would you care for a child? spouse? yourself?
Some people are saying this is healthcare rationing. Not true. Some people say it is a way to kill off seniors: not true or I would not be endorsing it nor would AARP. Some people say AARP is losing members because of their endorsement of health reform: NOT TRUE. The reform is not causing the problem; the conservative right wing Republicans who will do or say anything to assure this does not pass are the reason for the controversy. Make no mistake about it: health is a liberty....a freedom, the freedom to live YOUR best life and be able to pay for preventive, and interventive, medical care is every human being's right. Man, woman, child, old and young.
It is also a CIVIL RIGHT. I got an email from Dr. Howard Dean. Here is part of that email: The campaign for the choice of a public health insurance option will be over only if we quit or we've won. That decision is ours to make. Not the media's decision - Not the insurance industry's decision - It's our decision. We have the power and we're going to win.Make no mistake, victory won't happen overnight. Just like President Obama's campaign for President, this campaign is a long haul. Congress returns in September for the final stretch to pass reform by the end of the year. "
I urge you to get involved. Learn the facts not from the media, but from legitimate sources which I will post tomorrow. I will also post how to contact your congressional leaders, the White House and more. More to come...
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
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