I have made it no secret I am for a public option and support President Obama's health care reform plan. I have blogged on it and used my Twitter (Twitter/nkbe) account to continuously promote this action, joining many others in this cause. I don't know why I am still amazed at the agression of the minority who espouse lies and fear mongering to get Obama's plan defeated; but I am still amazed. I almost wish those of us for the bill had more gumption and less apathy in this matter.
If you watched Senator Kennedy's memorial and burial service, you would have heard Republicans speeches on what they admired most about this Senator: His ability to reach across the isle and get things done. Yet less than 24 hours after Kennedy's burial, the Republican Congress was out in full force espousing lies about the health reform bill. They need to be removed from Congress because all they care about is their own personal gain (in my opinion). They seem to want to do and say anything to have the President fail. If the President fails, we all fail. President Obama inherited this mess. It will take more than 6 months to fix the crap President Bush got us into not to mention the greed of Wall Street and banks.
Where are you people? Do you not have a voice? You better speak now because we are in danger of losing help we desperately need for our citzenry. I contact Maryland Congress people yesterday to tell them to make health reform happen, particularly the public option. As I said in a previous blog: managed care insurers want their say; want to make millions and billions of dollars at our health needs. We need an option!
Today, the Christian Coalition wanted to follow me on Twitter. Their goal: defeat health care reform and more. Can they not read? do they not see I am for it or are they trying to defeat my voice? I blocked them but I fear their efforts will attempt to defeat my voice.
Now is the time: here is the link to all of Congressional emails: http://www.webslingerz.com/jhoffman/congress-email.html
What are you waiting for? 57% of those polled want the entire Congress replaced. I want most of them replaced. We can make a difference here. Make your voice heard. do it NOW.
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
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