Unfortunately, the majority of the population would qualify to be on Jay Leno's stupid answers section of the show when it comes to healthcare reform. Why is this? You work, you get health coverage, right? Do you know what your health insurance covers and does not cover? How much do you pay for this? If you lost your job tomorrow, what would health insurance cost you? If you could even get it.
Don't be stupid please. Be informed. More people, more uninsured. More unemployed, more uninsured. Make no mistake: YOU PAY FOR EVERY UNINSURED PERSON, in one way or another.
Make no mistake also: the Republican conservative right wingnuts are out to kill health care reform. In fact, under their fearless leader, Russ Dimbat, they are out to destroy the Obama Presidency. And they just might succeed if you, yes YOU, allow this to happen.
They are the ones that started the health rationing rumors and rumors the new health reform bill will kill elders. NOT TRUE PEOPLE. Read it yourself.
On August 20th, many bloggers will be speaking out with facts on the health care reform bill. Join us. But know of what you speak. You can also speak to the President and tell him your thoughts on this and more at usa.gov and whitehouse.gov. And you can look up your Congressional team online and tell them your thoughts. Rest assured, that "other" side is doing that now. Step up for you and your family!
Some Facts for You: On June 13, 2009 "President Barack Obama announced new Medicare and Medicaid savings proposals that will contribute more than $300 billion over 10 years to paying for health care reform, beyond the historic $635 billion down payment included in his FY 2010 Budget. The President stressed in the address that the health reform effort must be deficit neutral and that reform is a fundamental part of the solution to our long-term fiscal problems".
There is a website that lists reports, facts and the truth about healthcare reform under President Obama. You can also let your support be heard. I urge you to go to this website: http://www.healthreform.gov/reports/index.html
Here is a sample of info you will see at the site:
Employer-sponsored health insurance premiums have nearly doubled since 2000, a rate three times faster than wages. In 2008, the average premium for a family plan purchased through an employer was $12,680, nearly the annual earnings of a full-time minimum wage job. Americans pay more than ever for health insurance, but get less coverage. A new report Hidden Costs of Health Care: Why Americans are Paying More but Getting Less details the rise in health care costs.
View Report
Don't be part of a diagnosis of disaster. Get the prescription for good health for all of us! Don't fear health insurance companies but be strong because the managed care groups DON'T want a public health insurance. the reasons are obvious; think about it: the CEO of BC/BS and Wellpoint got HUGE payoffs when they retired, in the tens of millions of dollars. You and I paid for that. What did it do for us?
Get involved now!
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
I will be blogging on the 20th, you better believe it. Thanks for the great links, and for helping others understand and get clarity.