I go back home late today. I want to stay at my daughter's today to help as there is no air conditioning and the temperature is in the 90's. We made due last night and it is cooler this morning but will be hot again today. What happened to Spring? The air conditioner man is coming today.
Starting to feel myself more and more. The number of people who have stopped by my blog and left wonderful comments has made me feel like I am not alone. I can't thank all of you enough.
And, tonight is American Idol and Biggest Loser. I will tape one and watch the other though since I don't have to get up early tomorrow, I can watch both! They are helpful in not having to deal with my reality....even though they are known as reality shows. Who knew?
Tomorrow, food shopping, house cleaning, redoing my resume and talking to the 401K people. I have to decide whether to start drawing on this pittance in my retirement fund and what the ramifications are.
Nice to know its there even though its small.
Whoops, my granddaughter is up calling for me...more to come.
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
Love those reality show escapes! Good for the heart AND head to dive in to them sometimes!
ReplyDeleteDrawing down your retirement money? It's insanely confusing and somewhat scary...with future returns, taxes, the IRS, and running out of money all mixed in there together.
ReplyDeleteVow to conduct a thorough web site for well-regarded sites with excellent retirement-fund advice...later. For now, make a regular appointment with "escape" TV. It's a sanity-saver when you're us.