Today I attended the first of two sessions to help me find a job. I learned so much it was overwhelming. Today we talked about our commercials (who we are, what we do), writing resumes, and the importance of networking. We also talked about the new buzz word for those of us laid off, riffed, unemployed: we are now officially called, the dislocated. Who knew?
Resumes: View these as your marketing brochures. These should not be detailed but concise, using the terms that the prospective employer uses in their job descriptions. You have about 15 seconds to sell yourself as a viable candidate for this job in a competitive environment.
Interestingly the facilitator did agree that even though companies won't admit it, there is ageism in the work place. He suggested no more then 10 years of employment listed. School dates should not have dates graduated. Get your foot in the door.
When in the door, be passionate about what you do; be energetic and confident. Believe in yourself.
I felt energized when I left because the best part was being with former colleagues and realizing that the feelings I have experience are not unique. I hope to join with them in sharing information and helping each other. These are mostly people I did not get to work with directly but knew of. Now I know them and they are terrific! Good people lose jobs. It's the world we live in.
It is time to move on. I got my approval for unemployment today. A whopping $380 per week paid bi-weekly. Hey, its something and I can collect it until I get my Social Security then I will be restricted on income. Both Social Security and unemployment are taxable.
My brother is coming in from Florida tomorrow for my other brother's son's wedding on Saturday. Busy weekend (great!). Next week I buckle down and get my resume done and start networking to look for jobs!
More to come.................................................
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
WOW! So glad you made some connections and felt some energy from the event! It is pretty amazing to think about the resume and the process - scary and exciting at the same time. It sounds like your weekend will be busy and fun, and your plan for next week looks super productive! HOORAY for FRIDAY! :)