So today I got back to work, homework that is. I followed the guidelines given us at the outplacement sessions last week. I did my CAR: challenges, achievements and results for each of three jobs I had over the last 10 years. I dropped off the other jobs because at my age, I need to remember, this resume is my brochure, a teaser to get through the door. The more work I add to my resume, the older I will appear. So, even though I twitched from writing job withdrawl, I got my resume to 2 pages at a decent font: 12. It looks clean, neat and hopefully says enough. So off it went to the outplacement service to review, edit and format. Whew....done.
Then I went online and looked at jobs. Felt sick but applied for a couple. One is for a huge ad agency for executive account manager for a major beer company. The description says you work from home with 20% travel and the travel is local. So off my resume went (yes the unedited one except for my edits). And applied to 2 other jobs also. The truth is I don't think I qualify for any of them but will try.
Next week am going to one of the career centers to see what is available for jobs and assistance. I am still considering all options. I am a former nurse who, while working in an allied health position, has not given patient care in years. I can't do patient care in this day of techical and strong assessment skills. But I could do utilization review. There is a 3 day certification course for this and may do that. It will be boring but I will get paid and benefits.
Got my approval for unemployment which I will have to stop once my Social Security comes through as I am income restricted on this, at least till next year. I am hoping I get a job and can suspend this till next year.
And, drum roll please, today I got my Medicare card. A major benchmark in one's life. I earned it. I am still awaiting COBRA information but if that doesn't work out, will apply for a medigap or Medicare Advantage plan. Medicare does not cover everything, no matter what you hear. Not to mention, it does not cover prescriptions. I will have to get Medicare D at least for that.
Please read one of the comments from my prior post. Lisa posted a great article for us older folk who are looking for jobs. Thanks Lisa!
More to come, stay tuned....tomorrow: letting go, trials and tribulations.
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
Sounds like you're moving forward! Good luck on the job applications. I was wondering if you could return to nursing. Great to hear from you on my blog :-) Miss you