If you do nothing else today, you must read Time Goes By today: http://www.timegoesby.net/weblog/2009/10/the-nonpublic-option.html to see the list of Senators taking money from pharma and insurance lobbyists. These are the same people who we elect to protect us. Hahahahaha.
If you do not read this blog today, at least go here to find out who in Congress is getting moneys from the insurers and pharma to control what kind of health insurance you and I get. Make note of those names. We can control this by not voting them in again if we do not get health insurance for all that is affordable. My own state of Maryland: Senator Mikulski accepted over $90,000 from healthcare and pharmaceutical product industry...not huge but why even bother? Senator Cardin accepted over $300,000 from health professionals, no insurers/pharma companies listed.
Stall tactics that is what Congress is best at. Only Senator Reid is free from receiving moneys. In my book, he has been elevated to Sainthood. And he is listening to the public option. I found out from Ronni's blog listed above that President Obama took out the possibility of a public option coming under Medicare. So I ask President Obama why? Was is too simple to use an infrastructure that is already in place to provide health coverage? Medicare is not perfect but it works. And if we took the age factor out, it would work better. It seems so logical to spread risk in health insurance over 100 million people, rather then put 40 million in a separate pool. The risk factor would decrease; costs would decrease. And it's already in place. It could actually work. What a concept! Making something work simply, easily and at less cost. Who knew? Certainly not our Congress. And sadly, not even President Obama. And that saddens me even more.
If you do not make your voice known, you will have no say in the health care destiny of you or members of your family. If you do not make your voice known to Congress to tell them how you feel about their taking money from industries who control the US health care system, then we all reap the consequences. I am not willing to sit back and do nothing. I hope you feel the same.
So here is the link to find out the phone/email of your Rep and Senators in Congress and even the President. The rest is up to you.
more to come..............
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
I did go to both sites,thanks. Also sent note to President Obama...keep on going