I pre-schedule tapings of new Top Chef episodes to be sure and not miss any. Yesterday ONLY Repeats! I even taped the normal time for the show even though the TV guide said it was a repeat. And it was a repeat!
What happened?
Congress is missing the boat on public option health care for all. Paula is gone from American Idol. Ellen is coming to Idol.
Roman Polanski rapes and sodomizes a 13 year old and now people are trying to let him side step a crime because of who he is....excuse me, they even put Michael Jackson on trial....what is the world coming too?
Access Hollywood changes their name to AH Nation: really? Michael Kors and Nina Garcia are missing from Project Runway.....and NO TOP CHEF. What is happening to this world?????
Is the world coming to an end? Is this yet another right wing conservative movement? I may not be able to deal with real reality now.................ah the misery of this.
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
HA HA! I especially enjoyed your rant today. I hear ya! And to top it off, Falcon's (balloon boy's) dad got what he wanted...a media SHOW! what is this world coming to??