This is a personal story as to why healthcare reform must occur. Today, my friend Ronni Bennett, posted a video from Senator Kohl where we submitted questions related to health care reform and he answered. See it here:
There is a new bill on the table and Senator Kohl has posted a fact sheet on health care related to aging issues here.
However, health care affects more then the aging. That said, no one should dispute the need for changes in Medicare also. You will be there one day if you are lucky.
My grand daughter is on the SCHIP program. She is 15 months old. My son has 4 children and he and his wife do not have access to a company provided health insurance program. To purchase an independent health insurance would cost them over $2000/month but my grand daughter would be exempted for a pre-existing condition. She was born with hyperinsulinism whereby her body produces too much insulin causing her blood sugar to drop. I wont get into details but when she was born, she was misdiagnosed by a large Baltimore hospital that put her on the wrong medicine for 15 months. Now, thanks to SCHIP she was allowed to go to a huge center with a world reknowned Endocrinologist who diagnosed the correct issue and started her on a path to doing better.
There are still issues with SCHIP. They always question everything and may not cover a $200 a month medication. Still, she was able to get a great health care entity treat her. Thank you SCHIP. The problem now is if she ever has access to private health insurance that many of us have access to, she would be exempt from coverage for a pre-exisiting condition. Nice huh?
To those of you fighting change in health care reform: you should know that this change will be mandated in every single proposed bill. And it must be. No child, no human being should be without health coverage.
Those of you who are apathetic and still have not contacted your congressional representative to make your voice heard, shame on you. It takes only a minute to send an email to make your voice heard. This bill could affect you or your family one day. Just do it. Or face the consequences. Only a minority of Americans have made their voice heard. Do you want a few to dictate what the majority must face? Here is link to getting in touch with your Congressional representative.
And here is a link to finding out the truth about the proposed health reform bills. Click on picture.
By the way, Top Chef was back last night...a good omen for things to come?
Stay tuned...................
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
Love this blog. Your point really hits home. Thank you for writing.