I have a full time job looking for a job. I have learned a lot in this process. It's a game....I hate games. I hate playing the game to get someone's attention but I do it because there is no other option.
Now you have to have "keywords" in your resume as most employer HR departments use technology to scan the over 100-200 resumes they get for each advertised job. I would be happy to review resumes for any company looking to fill a position. But I guess I would cost more then technology.
I have a different resume for each job applied for. Next week I am going to a job placement agency that offers retraining. Who knew? But it's all good.
I started signing up for online surveys. Mostly with Greenfield and Nielsen, two companies I trust that do not charge and do alot of online surveys. The surveys take from 3-20minutes. Sometimes you get paid a whopping $2 and sometimes you get your name placed in a sweepstakes to win up to $1000. I have never won anything so am not counting on this. But I did "make" $6 so far this week. And I also got rejected from about 100 surveys because of age or profession. Wow, a symbolic reflection of my life now?
I refuse to make more of this then it is but today is rainy and grey so rejection fits my mood and the color of my hair. But, like Scarlett O'Hara, there is always tomorrow...when I am getting my hair colored just in case....and tonight will play the Mega Millions....there is good news: Senator Reid's office is doing another conference call with some bloggers (me included) to discuss the outcome of the Senate Finance Committee's passing of a health reform bill. They may regret my participation as I am NOT happy about no public option inclusion in this bill.
And my Twittering has gotten me some contacts with media and more...and my grandkids give me more joy than anything else...so onward and upward..
more to come....................
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
I. Love. Your. Attitude. Have you ever thought about a book? Each chapter would be like a blog...but a little longer. You have PLENTY of "characters" in your life to develop...