Friday, October 23, 2009

Contact these Senators, Medicare Recipients: tell them to support doctor reimbursement

Ok have not posted in a couple days and now doing 2 posts. Obviously, I have too much time on my hands and I believe people have power to change lives. In prior post I listed some Senators who have Medicare. They also have high option health insurance paid for by the US citizens they represent. That means their coverage is superb. Is yours?

Doctors who accept Medicare payment, receive less reimbursement than any other insurer. Why? Discrimination against those over 65? Saying to docs and world, these people do not deserve health coverage? I am just asking a question here.

The Senate defeated a bill designed to stop another cut in reimbursement to docs accepting Medicare. Not good. See for today's blog on this subject.

Rep. Weiner posted members of Congress who are on Medicare: contact these Senators and ask them if they want their docs to refuse to accept Medicare . Here is the list. Do it now please. Power to the people. We have this power to make our voices heard:

Sen. Jim Bunning

Sen. Richard G. Lugar

Sen. Charles E. Grassley

Sen. Robert F. Bennett
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch

Sen. Richard C. Shelby

Sen. Pat Roberts

Sen. George V. Voinovich

Sen. John McCain

Sen. Thad Cochran

Sen. Christopher S. Bond

Sen. Lamar Alexander
Sen. Mitch McConnell

Sen. Jim Risch

Sen. Jon Kyl

Sen. Saxby Chambliss

Sen. Michael B. Enzi
House of Reps:

Addenudum: Call this number and ask to speak with your Representative: (202) 224-3121

We hear Democrats in the House are counting votes for a robust public option this morning. We need to flood their offices with calls. Please call your Representative now.

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