While I heard some encouraging news from a conference call several bloggers and myself had on Friday with Senator Reid's staff, I am still left wondering: who does Congress really represent?
The good news? Staffers reported that Congress really is taking note of what their constituents are saying (let's hope they actually confirm a healthcare reform bill based on what their constituents want). So, that part is up to you and while I am sure you are sick of reading that here...if you truly care about the future of healthcare and how coverage plays out, you MUST make your voice heard. Here is link to contact information: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
The Baucus Bill has no public option even though recent polls showed over 67% of the US voters want it. This week and ongoing, the Congress will try to reconcile the Baucus bill with other bills that do have a Public Option. Ronni Bennett of Time Goes By does a much better job of describing this on her blog:http://www.timegoesby.net/weblog/
What Ronni reminded me of last week was that it only took 11 months for Medicare to be implemented. And while not perfect, Medicare works. If it were revised and streamlined, its infrastucture could be used for the Public Option. More then that, this merging could finally remove the age factor in health care. Health coverage is a freedom...a liberty. We are the only large nation that does not have a public option for its citizens and our health care is viewed as one of the worst in the world. The Baucus Bill does not go into effect until 2012 or later. Really? More people will die...thousands...I find that appalling but then I find a family wanting publicity and willing to have their children lie..also appalliing (balloon boy)...what are we coming too? Did they learn that publicity is more about negatives, fear, possible death and negative outcomes? then doing good? I have my own thoughts on that and won't bore you with those.
The truth is, we cannot count on the Media to help push a public option through even though that is based on need and facts; we cannot count on the Senate to push a public option through based on current history; we could CHANGE outcomes if we believe and take 5 minutes out of our day to contact CONGRESS NOW and let your voice be heard. CLICK HERE
I could go on and on about the money factor: the greed and perceived buying of votes based on profits and huge salaries, rather then need (and it's more then my opinion). Frankly, it is exhausting to repeat this crap again. Right wing Democrats and Republicans have tried, and often succeeded, to rule the lives of all Americans. This country was based on the freedom for all principle; not just the few.
So my question to you today is do you want your health care coverage decided by a few? based on profits? or based on need?
more to come
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
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