Yes, no healthcare reform post today. It is what it is. The President did his best, and so did I. The fact that the GOP sat like blubs and looked like spoiled children with several screaming liar to the President, says more for who they are and what they represent, then anything else I could say or do. So I am moving good news: Ellen is the new 4th Judge on American idol.
It doesn't hurt that she is best buds with Ryan Seacrest, or that Simon loves her, more then that, we all love her. She says she represents the average potential buyer of music. I believe her. And she is not a teeny bopper. She will certainly revitalize the show which is badly needed. Shame the President didn't pick her as the health reform czar...that would have really ticked off the conservative right...hahahaha.
Thank goodness for Drop Dead Diva, Top Chef, and Project Runway...even Joan Rivers' show: How'd they get so rich, relief from the political pundits, news outlets and fox, no they're not a news network, at least in my mind.
More to come........................
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
Obama should totally make her a czar of something- she's very lovable. I think I may actually watch Idol now.