What are the days of awe? well, for some people, that may mean something else. For me, being Jewish, it means a period of introspection, reflection, forgiveness and much, much more.
In the Jewish faith, there are 40 Days of Awe that culminate in the most holy of our holidays, the last 10 Days of Awe, Rosh Hashonah (the Jewish New Year) up to and including Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement where Jews fast, and usually spend time in synagogue, praying for forgiveness for sins, bad deeds, remembering those who died, and reflecting on their lives and how they will live a better life going forward. It is written that between Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur, G-d keeps "books" on everyone and by the end of Yom Kippur, HE decides what one's fate will be for the next year. That is why you hear people say to one another..."may you be inscribed in the Book of Life".
Why do I not write out the name of G-d? I was always told that the name of G-d is not to be spoken or written. That is true in the writings of the Torah (book of prayers). In English, their is no real translation for this other then the word G-d. Some Jews say in English, you can write out HIS name. Frankly, I am sticking with the old way since I take no chances, especially at this time of year!
I am not an overly religious Jew though I love and respect my religion and the culture: strong family ties and relationships, charity, forgiveness. In my own way, I observe my Judiasm. It probably does not coincide with what the Man Above had in mind, but it serves me and my immediate family.
That said, I always become more emotional and reflective at this time. And now, that is even more so. I am very blessed. G-d has been good to me and my family. I truly believe HE is watching over us.
I am a passionate person. When I believe in something, I fight for it. I have also been told I am funny, not funny enough to perform comedy but enough to provide myself and my family and friends with comic relief when needed. I am also very sarcastic but if you have been reading this blog, you must have gotten that by now.
So I have taken a little break from the realities of life : no health care reform stuff as Repubs and Dems are duking it out with over 600 ammendments, stall tactics, etc.
Glen Beck and Rush Limbo (intended) are in their own world primed with instigation, hate mongering and more (IMHO). Sick of them.
Still looking for job....along with millions of others but am hanging in there.
Having fun with my grandkids and that is a good thing.
Am thrilled to have distractions like Project Runway (please bring back Michael Kors and Nina Garcia), Top Chef, Biggest Loser, Ellen, Dr. Oz, Oprah, and more.
I have become intolerant of right wing-nuts who promote hatred and lies.
But I am not worrying about the future. Though I will pray on Monday for forgiveness, and for my family, I have become more of a fatalist: what will be, will be. I have lived a good life so far. G-d has been good to me. I believe that what will be is HIS will. I trust in HIM.
I am very fortunate to have wonderful grandkids. 2 of the 6 whom are pictured here. The ever drooling Lexi at 5 months, and the spectacular Chloe whom I spent 2 hours with at grandparents day at her pre-school where she exhibits her "tude" . Could life be any better?
So, Happy New Year...May you all be inscribed in the Book of Life.
More to come............
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
Grandchildren are life's breath when we age. they are definitely the hope for the future as we see our lives coming to a close.