I said I was taking a break from the political and media pundits giving voice to the minority who want to control the USA and destroy the Presidency. Those who know me, know that is difficult for me to step back. So, motivated by a true story that is recent, I had to post this:
A young woman, mother, wife, in her late 30's, suffered a cardiac event: ventricular fibrillation (this is not conducive with life). Rushed to the Emergency Room, the doctors there initiated immediate cardiac surgery to correct the problem. They were successful. She did very well after the surgery and has returned to living a fairly normal productive life.
2 Weeks after her surgery, she received the hospital and physician bill totaling almost 100,000 dollars because HER MANAGED CARE HEALTH INSURER DENIED THE CLAIM as UNECESSARY MEDICAL EXPENDITURE. She is fighting it. I hope she wins. And if I knew the name of the insurer, I would name them here. But I don't want to affect her case.
In the NEW health reform public option plan, there would be no such incident or denial. And I believe, once a public option is in, managed care insurers will have to compete and denials as ridiculous as this one, will go away.
So it's a matter of life or death. Which do you choose? If you are currently insured with one of the managed care health insurers, this story could be about you.
Make a difference. Make your voice heard. CALL your congressional representatives, senators, and tell them you support the public option health plan. Here is the phone number, just ask for your representative: Congressional Switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
Another story that underlines the need for public option is the recently announced 22% increase in Blue Cross/Blue Shield premiums to take effect on Oct. 1 in Michigan. Last I heard Michigan had the highest unemployment rate in the country and now they will have to pay that hefty increase??? Evidently the company thought their customers should pat them on their back for their restraint. They had thought about setting the increase for double that. Such generosity leaves me speechless!!!