President Obama was brilliant. Called out the liars; spelled out the plan. Everything remains as is if that's the way you want it. NO DEATH SQUADS; will force no more pre-exising conditions; no more use of medially unncessary; insurers must pay for members health care.
Public option available to those who have NO OTHER OPTION FOR HEALTH CARE COVERAGE. YEAH. It will be non-profit
Will cut waste and fraud. Mediare and Medicaid remain: with better options.
Repubs sat like little children. Some did join in but most sat on that part of the anatomy not usually thought of to house brains, but in their case, it was where their brains are. I hope someone knows the names of the repub hecklers. I hope they all are replaced in Congress.
Time for change is NOW. Make your voice heard.
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
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