Sign your support of the health heroes who are backing a public option health it now
From Democracy for America:
This week, we kicked off September reminding Congress that passing the choice of a public health insurance option is about people -- not politics.
Organized by our partners at MoveOn, DFA members joined in holding over 350 "Can't Afford To Wait" vigils nationwide. Local papers covered many of the events whether there were 15 people attending or several hundred. And members of Congress were reminded that real people have real stories and are depending on them to pass real reform.
Over 60,000 Americans have signed on to thank the House Healthcare Heroes for committing to not vote for a bill if it doesn't include a public option. We will deliver all the signatures next week. Can you help us get to 75,000 signatures by Tuesday night?
SIGN UP NOW TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE 64 Democrats who have stood up to draw a line in the sand (AND SUPPORT THE PUBLIC OPTION PLAN) need to know we have their backs. They need to know that no matter what happens we're depending on them to not back down. Here is the link:
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
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