Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's a dog's life

This is Bailey who is visiting me this week. more on Bailey to come.
I have been remiss about blogging. So much going on in the world, in the US and here in MD. The problem is nothing much is going on in the job search world. I did get to go out with colleagues and friends last night celebrating one of our group that got a new job, in another state. It was so good to see these wonderfully bright and funny women.
Nothing much going on in the job search world and I am reflecting upon what I really want to do in life. Still not sure but that's a discussion for another time. Now, I am distracted by Bailey. My son and daughter in law are out of town so I am babysitting their white lab, Bailey. Bailey is 2 and acts like it. He is massive in girth and has no clue how big he is. He is lovable but needy. And I am exhausted!

I always had dogs but almost 2 years ago, my dog Shelby died after almost 13 years with me. She was the best dog ever and I miss her even today. I had thought about getting another dog so when the opportunity came to babysit Bailey, I jumped at it.

After only 24 hours, I am cured of wanting another dog. Bailey has her own schedule of eating and walking and it does not meet mine. Lovable as he is, I am exhausted. Bailey is very social and loves to walk me. He takes his time finding just the right spot to deposit his waste products. He listens really well and bothers no one, no other dogs or people unless I tell him its OK.

He is shedding and though I have taken up out to brush him, my house has a white dusting of fur EVERYWHERE! Bailey loves to play and has no regard for my needs to attempt to find work! Today I am taking him to get groomed. I am doing it for my salvation mostly. And tomorrow evening, hopefully, he will be back home. Bailey is a great distraction though a constant one.


  1. Bailey is a big boy! And obedient? Thank goodness. My 75 lb. dog walks me too. And people on the streets let me know. At least I'm entertaining the public, I guess. :) Watch him when he sleeps...that's when they turn into ANGELS. :)

  2. LOVE to see Bailey! Dogs are so fabulous. I have been resisting getting another dog - so much "have to's" come with the responsibility. But DH is fencing in the yard, and we are pondering. Love to hear about you and Bailey, Nancy. Maybe a dog would be good....
