Another sign of the times: I have obviously stuck a cord as many of you post your comments encouraging me. That's the first sign of the times: I am not alone in being laid off and the incredible support from cyber friends and others buoys my spirits. Thank you all!
Yet another sign of the times: Health care. Sadly another item in the news that demonstrates the loss of a dream. Erickson Living had wanted to expand their health services beyond their communities; reaching out to seniors in Howard County Maryland. Alas, it was not to be. The revenues generated by Medicare reimbursement were not enough to provide the quality level of care that is their mission. The primary doctor there has come up with an ingenious idea to have patients buy into the medical center. If this does not happen, the center will close. It was enormously successful in the numbers of people served demonstrating the need for good medical care for those over 65. What most of the public does not understand is that Medicare is not free. Seniors have to pay for it and must supplement it to get the standard health care coverage most people take for granted. In addition, they must pay for Medicare D to cover drugs. Calling this health insurance entitlement is not correct. You can read the entire story here:,0,6304428.story
President Obama returns from his successful trip abroad to begin the push for health care coverage for all. I hope he doesn't forget the seniors. Actually, I believe there should be no age distinction in health care coverage. Let's have the same coverage for all human beings!