Yesterday, the killing at the Holocaust Memorial in DC was a terrible reminder of the hate that is still prevalent in our country. Watching the news, I learned that hate groups have actually grown in numbers in the US. Look, I respect individualism and recognize ours is not a perfect world and not everyone believes in the same things. But hate is a terrible motivator of living.
Times are tough but that is no excuse to kill innocent people who happen to work or believe in something or someone that is not in a person's belief system.
The killing of a guard who did nothing more but protect visitors and happened to be African American, in a memorial museum is unfathomable. And doing it in a place that depicts the horror of mass killings of innocent men, women, and children who did nothing more in life than being born into families who believe in the religion of Judaism, is not only sac religious but also, too awful for words.
The same can be said for killing a doctor who believed he was helping others by providing an alternative to their situations in a clinic that happened to perform abortions.
Why can't we all get along? Even if we disagree with other people's beliefs, religions, or practices, as long as these are all legal, why do these idiots have to murder others????? I did not elect them to be sole punisher of what they perceive are wrong. Who are they to say what is right or wrong. And killing......isn't that against what is preached? Don't we live in a free country?
It just blows me away. This are such emotional events that they provoke even more emotional responses.
Respect.....that's what is missing...respect. You can speak about anything in this country and espouse your views....but if someone disagrees, who the heck are you to kill the person???
These are just too awful to even be planted in the Forest of Fools!!!!
Bar pizza, anyone?
3 days ago
Hi, Nancy. Unfortunately too many people seem to think that everyone should be crammed into their little box. They believe abortion is wrong so no one should have an abortion or provide the service. It isn't enough to live by their own moral values they insist that everyone else live by their values. Too many believe that certain groups of people (blacks, Jews, Native Americans, women--name as many groups as you like) are inherently inferior (subhuman, inhuman) and if only they knew and stayed in their place those who are more worthy would thrive. When the world fails to reflect what they think is reality they lash out. I am cynical (realistic??) enough to expect more of this.
ReplyDeleteNancy, I couldn't agree with you more. The idea that hate and revenge and vengance is a motivator for life is completely twisted. I can't imagine how people get to these beliefs. The idea that any single one of us can force others to believe what we believe, to subscribe to our view of reality, is flawed at the start. We were created individuals, each of us. Every religion talks about our own personal relationship with God and our personal convictions. It is our own God that will impact our beliefs. It is one thing to share beliefs and convictions with others - and a totally different thing to enforce them on others. And a third thing all together to believe that we have the right/obligation to destroy anything that doesn't fit our belief system.
ReplyDeleteAnd so, I am with you. Why can't we all just get along???